Quick Design Sketching
Portraits and Watercolors
Fashion Design Sketching
Outdoor and Museum Sketching
Experimental Photography
Street Photography
Actual Course Structure to be determined by Art School instructors
Germany’s Design Philosophy: A World Leader

The German Bauhaus design style’s influences in Architecture, Furniture, etc., are ubiquitous around the world. Focusing on the intersection between art and function, this style perfectly presents the typical German personality. Students with art skills are highly demanded in the job market. All aspiring majors of the following subjects require professional artistic training at the high school level.
Applicable Majors

Communications Design/Illustration
Industrial Design
Interior Design/Architecture
Media Design
Fashion Design/Accessory Deisgn
Interactive Design
Teacher of Arts/Freelance Artist
Stage and Costume Design
Transportation Exterior/Interior Design
Concept Art/Game Design
Jewelry Design